Zymge Limited

Portfolio Details

  • Category: Web Development
  • Company Name: Zymge Limited
  • Used Technology: Drupal, PHP & MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Ajax & API


The client story

He asked. We Understood. The Outlook.

Ren Reynolds, an expert in the strategy and innovative usage of Information technology who has planned the commercial approach for the UK government G-Cloud program, advised United Kingdom’s DCMS and department of BIS on technology policy, is the CEO and founder of Zymge – Our Project.

For Zymge, Reynolds wants an online solution helping social network lovers change their profile images automatically within a scheduled time frame. This time frame should be on hourly, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and event (share market, bitcoin price, etc.) basis.

Solution Sought

A Web Application – bringing it all automatically.

Once analysis for client’s requirements, target audience and desired results is done, we came up with the solution “let’s develop a Web Application” by implicating the best web development technology. Besides, different social networking sites api and time basis functionality are also required to check all user-specific services working smoothly, and then profile pictures are changing timely.

Challenges and complexities

Instilling the web app coping with the exact needs of client while bringing user gratification.

In the way to achieve the goal, we first faced challenges and then complexities while conquering those challenges.

Talking about CHALLENGES, following were the major ones:

  1. Will this web application bring effective and desired results?
  2. Does this app work for client?
  3. The target audience (social site lovers) will accept it or not?

Although the answer to all these challenges was a big YES but there were still some major COMPLEXITIES to actually beat the challenges and make the web app live and taste the success.

1. The first complexity was an automatic time base change of profile pictures on users’ social networking account. This is a totally new concept for websites where users do not need to sit and do the changes manually.

To let this innovation work properly, custom codes and API of different social & event sites (bitcoin, flicker, share market, etc.) were used.

2. Next problem was API integration. It was literally complex to apply multiple API to let Zymge work accordingly.

As a fix to this problem, we decided to apply only 1 API in one go with enough power while making sure that one API is not effecting another API.

3. Image replacement is another huge problem. With 3 different types of icon (Static, Evolving and Dynamic) with 2 usage styles (Image and Sticker), it was quite troubling as first desired image has to be created and then the same has to be replaced on users’ account. The different the combination of icon type and usage style is, the complex to design and replace the image is.

To solve the complexity, we worked through custom code.

4. User chooses a combination of icon type and usage style and schedule a time to get his/her picture changed on the desired time. But what when 2 or more users have chosen the same time for image changing?  This same time change of images for many accounts was the next major task to achieve.

For this, Cron is used and proper order of icons based on time taken by different API (share market API is comparatively heavy than of the bitcoin) have to be prepared.

The Result

Zymge – the Web Application is Developed.

The client accept the solution with great applauds and gave it the name “Zymge”. The web application is solely developed using the best web development technology Drupal 7 with Cloud Server hosting. Different API of various social networking and event sites including facbook, twitter, flickr, bitcoin, yahoo stock with latest PHP image library are also used.

With Zymge, client’s requirements and our goals are successfully achieved:

  • User can register and schedule image changing time on his/her social networking account.
  • Time can be schedules on hourly, daily, bi-weekly, monthly and event basis.
  • User can add images to the library.