Drupal Modules Demo

Portfolio Details

  • Category: Web Development
  • Company Name: Drupal Module Demo
  • Used Technology: Drupal, Core PHP & MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery & Ajax


Our client – creating a new trend in technology

The Internet has made the world a small village. Now you can get any information about anyone and anything in a few seconds and this information is growing exponentially. The user gets everything in a few clicks with ease but from where this easiness comes from? The advanced technologies of web development, maintenance, connectivity, etc. do their work silently behind the scene while we were enjoying the benefits in the form of quick page loading of search engines, downloading of audios, videos, accessing social networking sites, etc. Our client is one such silent worker of technology which has made our online lives easy and now it has taken a new step to enhance our comforts with their new service.

Requirements for the reservoirs

Since the client is a devotee of technologies and has launched many technical products (we cant treat modules as product here, product meant to sale but we are not selling these modules here. ) so far in the form of modules, the main requirement was to enlist and display its wide range of products on a nice and simple interface with the performance and popularity of the modules in the form of pie and line charts (we are showing statistics of modules in the form of pie and line chart with category of modules.


A nice and clear theme was required for the home page as well as the other linked web pages. Review and comments of users play an important role in the popularity and utilization of any technical product’s life. It was required to put latest comments and reviews dynamically on the home page. A gallery of modules screenshots with a zoom feature was also required along with the details and download option of that module.

Challenges for the challengers

Though some of the challenges were actually not much difficult to handle like creating an easy and user-friendly theme but some challenges were quite difficult. Some of them were:

  1. To make social media login functionality for the users. No anonymous user will be able to see the modules demo.
  2. To use line & pie chart to show the entire modules demo stats listed.
  3. To make latest version of module downloadable from drupal.org to the website while providing a list of all previous versions.

Complexities with Solutions – Winning The Quest

Though the challenges were not a new limited time period and other technical complexities have made the project a big quest. The overview of complexities faced during this quest is as such:

  1. While enabling social media login functionality, problems were faced as no modules were available. However, with thorough research and efforts, we made the custom modules compatible to all Drupal versions. Besides, relevant apps were also developed and implemented properly to get connected with Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. All this has been achieved using Drupal Core, HTML, CSS, JS and custom PHP work. 
  2. Adding and depicting periodical stats via PIE and Line chart was another complexity. We have to create an automatic plugin to change variable values on the PIE chart weekly and on the Line chart monthly. With the usage of jQuery plugin, custom JS scripts & some related functions this complexity was tackled.
  3. Direct download from drupal.org to the website was actually a tedious task as links keep changing with every latest version update. With effective R&D and analysis and usage of  drupal.org page feeds & PHP, we conquer the problem.

The result – module demo

The client appreciated our efforts of project completion in such a short period efficiently. The final website has a nice and simple interface enlisting all the modules of drupal.org with their latest versions. The user can comment about any module and also download it if needed. The performance and popularity entities are displayed neatly and in easy to understand manner in the form of pie and line charts. It’s a one-stop for all the modules of drupal.org thus the client has named it Drupal Module demo.
