Envy & Green

Portfolio Details

  • Category: Web Development
  • Company Name: Envy & Green
  • Used Technology: Drupal, PHP & MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Ajax & API


Our client – Charmers with glitters

Diamonds are girl’s best friend, so does gold, rubies, sapphire, topaz, crystals!! A girl’s beauty can convert the simplest thing in the world, which glitter or sparkle, a precious piece.

The fondness for these stones can never die down in any genera, but today’s fast-paced life has suppressed this emotion a little bit.

But our clients Margaret and Jules are determined to awaken and heightened this feeling of womankind for jewels with their wide range of jewellery collection whether you have set your heart on a diamond ring or looking for a nice cuff link for the beau. You will get anything or everything on just a click.

Requirements for a virtual tour

To give their determination a shape, our clients required an easy to use, neat, and clean e-commerce platform.

They wanted a web portal that will offer a virtual tour of the online showroom to the user.

When the user visits the site, it should be so close to reality that it gives a sensation of window shopping experience to the user.

There should be a quick view function on every item on display in the gallery, which will show the relevant details of the item.

Since, it is a web-based shop, the gallery, background, text, images, etc. should be easy to edit from the backend section.

Challenges have their shine

Since it’s a web platform dedicated to precious stones, sparkles, and glitters, even the tiniest thing on the site needs to be very tidy and as sparkling as the stones.

While coping up with the same, many challenges were blocking our ways. Some of them were:

  1. To provide a different time interval for each slide on the home page.
  2. To manage the product gallery with some significant effects. According to the requirements of the client, the gallery items need to be highlighted accordingly.
  3. There are many items in the gallery, but only front items will get the limelight. Also, while hovering the cursor on a particular subject, its detail window needs to be popped-out.
  4. To correct threshold count & its e-mail fire problem in Ubercart contributed module.
  5. To make the product gallery browser compatible.

Complexities and solution are like beads in a string

The solution of challenges comes with their own set of complications. Some of them were like:

  1. One of the significant complications was faced while highlighting unique products using a jQuery plugin. The different time interval for every slide was required to change dynamically from the back-end, but it was creating issues. However, with the usage of Drupal core function & PHP & jQuery scripts, this hurdle was conquered.
  2. Another complexity came up when the jQuery plugin implemented for the product page gallery. It created some glitches; thus, a custom module developed for the exact look to the page required by the client.
  3. Making the product gallery all major browsers friendly was another big task. To fix the issue, the latest version of HTML and CSS were used.
  4. Besides all the above, the e-commerce part also created a fuss. The problem was occurring when some product was being purchased; the threshold quantity was not altering properly with every purchase. Even, no e-mail notification was shooting to the buyer after he/she makes any purchase. The problem was finally fixed after checking and debugging the back-end configurations and by applying the Drupal Ubercart module plus its sub-modules & PHP.

The outcome – Envyandgreen

Our clients have accepted the website with great applauds. With their fantastic product collection and our great efforts of its online showcasing, we were able to present a sparkling virtual showroom where you can move around with just the scroll of your mouse and some clicks.

The products will win your heart with their soft features, and its reasonable prices wouldn’t let you resist yourself from buying it. Your friends will envy your new jewel collection and go green with a desire for them.

Have a pleasant and refreshing experience with www.envyandgreen.com !!!
